Meeting the eye

May 2018

A Brookhaven National Laboratory computer scientist is building software to help researchers interact with their data in new ways.


Climate customized

April 2018

An Argonne initiative tweaks climate models to help utilities and others predict and plan for future extreme weather.


Water works

March 2018

Complex simulations are unraveling the idiosyncrasies of this unique liquid’s behavior.


Connecting equations

December 2017

A Sandia National Laboratories mathematician is honored for his work creating methods for supercomputers.


Enhancing enzymes

October 2017

High-quality computational models of enzyme catalysts could lead to improved access to biofuels and better carbon capture.


Cloud forebear

August 2017

A data-management system called PanDA anticipated cloud computing to analyze the universe’s building blocks.


Booting up Trinity

July 2017

The unusual architecture in Los Alamos National Laboratory’s newest supercomputer is a step toward the exascale – systems around a hundred times more powerful than today’s best machines.


Materials cookbook

June 2017

A Berkeley Lab project computes a range of materials properties and boosts the development of new technologies.


No passing zone

April 2017

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory models the blood-brain barrier to find ways for drugs to reach their target.


Chipping away

March 2017

Redirecting an old chip might change the pathway to tomorrow’s fastest supercomputers, Argonne National Laboratory researchers say.



December 2016

With a boost from the Titan supercomputer, a Berkeley Lab group works the angles on X-rays to analyze thin films of interest for the next generation of nanodevices.


Forecasting failure

October 2016

Sandia National Laboratories aims to predict physics on a micrometer scale.


Early-universe soup

June 2016

ORNL’s Titan supercomputer is helping Brookhaven physicists understand the matter that formed microseconds after the Big Bang.


Multitalented metric

May 2016

An alternative computing benchmark emerges to reflect scientific performance.


Bright future

February 2016

The smart grid turns to high-performance computing to guide its development and keep it working.


Cables in one of 30 cabinets that comprise Edison, a Cray XC30 supercomputer at the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center.

Powering down

December 2015

PNNL team views ‘undervolting’ — turning down the power supplied to processors — as a way to make exascale computing feasible.


Analysis restaurant

November 2015

The AnalyzeThis system deals with the rush of huge data-analysis orders typical in scientific computing.


Noisy universe

September 2015

Berkeley Lab cosmologists sift tsunamis of data for signals from the birth of galaxies.


Layered look

August 2015

With help from the Titan supercomputer, an Oak Ridge National Laboratory team is peering at the chemistry and physics between the layers of superconducting materials.


Bits of corruption

July 2015

Los Alamos’ extensive study of HPC platforms finds silent data corruption in scientific computing – but not much.


Sneak kaboom

April 2015

At Argonne, research teams turn to supercomputing to study a phenomenon that can trigger surprisingly powerful explosions.


Slippery subject

February 2015

University of Texas researchers are out to improve computational models of ice sheets by refining estimates of basal friction: how much rocks and earth slow the sheet’s movement.


A smashing success

December 2014

The world’s particle colliders unite to share and analyze massive volumes of data.


Back to the hydrogen future

October 2014

At Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Computational Science Graduate Fellowship alum Brandon Wood applies the world’s most sophisticated molecular dynamics codes on America’s leading supercomputers to model hydrogen’s reaction kinetics.


Joint venture

September 2014

Sandia National Laboratories investigators turn to advanced modeling to test the reliability of the joints that hold nuclear missiles together.
