Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Learn more about Oak Ridge National Laboratory

River of data

September 2022

Oak Ridge-developed open-source software is helping model watersheds and related climate issues the world over


Borrowing from the brain

December 2020

Nature inspires Oak Ridge National Laboratory algorithms for neuromorphic processors.



October 2018

Supercomputing power and increasing genomic data are allowing Oak Ridge researchers to examine drought tolerance in plants and other big biological questions.


Enhancing enzymes

October 2017

High-quality computational models of enzyme catalysts could lead to improved access to biofuels and better carbon capture.



December 2016

With a boost from the Titan supercomputer, a Berkeley Lab group works the angles on X-rays to analyze thin films of interest for the next generation of nanodevices.


Early-universe soup

June 2016

ORNL’s Titan supercomputer is helping Brookhaven physicists understand the matter that formed microseconds after the Big Bang.


Analysis restaurant

November 2015

The AnalyzeThis system deals with the rush of huge data-analysis orders typical in scientific computing.


Layered look

August 2015

With help from the Titan supercomputer, an Oak Ridge National Laboratory team is peering at the chemistry and physics between the layers of superconducting materials.


Slippery subject

February 2015

University of Texas researchers are out to improve computational models of ice sheets by refining estimates of basal friction: how much rocks and earth slow the sheet’s movement.


Supernova shocks

More than 10 years after simulations first suggested its presence, observations appear to confirm that a key instability drives the shock behind one kind of supernova.


After the thaw

February 2014

Simulations of melting permafrost promise changes in climate modeling.


Argentina's Perito Moreno glacier.

Deciphering the big thaw

July 2013

Scientists thought they had figured out what ended the last ice age – except for one nagging problem. Researchers using Oak Ridge National Laboratory computers may now have discovered the final answer.


Kinky nanotubes

September 2012

With the help of Oak Ridge computations, scientists are probing the properties of macroscale sponges made of nanoscale carbon-boron tubes. The material could soak up oil spills, help store energy or meet other needs.


Seeing the invisible

October 2010

Armed with computing power from Oak Ridge National Laboratory, researchers are detailing the nature of dark matter surrounding a galaxy much like our own Milky Way.


Breaking the biomass barrier

December 2009

What Oak Ridge National Laboratory researchers are learning could help make ethanol from cellulose a viable fuel alternative – and help the United States replace foreign oil with a green, renewable resource.
